sábado, 19 de noviembre de 2011

Feels like fall...or it doesn't ?

Autumn has come and so have coats, boots... and short sleeves? This season's climate is driving us nuts: freezing in the early morning, suffocating at noon. A true challenge for all of those poor mortals whose working schedule is from 9:00 a.m to 2 p.m. And, with such a changing weather, no wonder we're assaulted by flu and colds. That's when our inner fashionista has to take over control and seek ways to look absolutely fabulous without sacrificing our health.

My best reccomendation? Layers. High couture fashion designers proved looong time ago that, when it comes to using skirts or shorts, seasons are so overrated. It doesn't matter whether it is March, May or December... You can always rock a look mix-matching plaid skirts or shorts with dreamlike silk tights and ballerinas, or sleeveless short dresses with cute, warm cardigans and boots!

Cloaks always come handy in cold weather, and they can add a sophisticated touch to any outfit! Who wants to be Carrie Bradshaw when you can pull off a fantasy Red Riding Hood look?

Take it from Blair Waldorff, she surely knows how to make an appereance...

miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011

recycling our wardrobe ...

I remember few years ago how I cleaned and recycled my wardrobe !
The room transformed into somthing disastrous..and i gave so many clothes because they were small to me . So what we have to do if we recicle our wardrobe ?? Is so easy =)

You just have to have clothes with neural colours , a pair of jeans , a little black dress and a balzer !
An you can transform scarves into funny acessories while your having a grat time with your friends !

source :

The use of strong colours in fashion

A part of what we see at first glance and say that bright colors prevail in the current fashion nowadays this fact has a very important background on the psychology of color.
Lets delve a little more on the topic.
We are in an era of non-sttoping...we can not relax ! we are always in constant movment...does this fact influences
on fashion ?

Lets take a look at what colours say :
Warm colors are considered as stimulants, joyful cold and calm, sedative and sometimes depressing.
Yellow : considered the intelectual colour , represents the power
Red:passion , impulsive colour
Blue : the calm..represents the introverts
Green : the balance
White :innocence and peace...

So acording to aur model life ...do we feel stonger , more
sure of ourselves if we wear strong bright colours ?
I personally belive in color psychology ! I sometimes feel better or depending on the mood i am, i choose one colour or another..does it happen to you ?

sources :

Real fur clothing ?

Yesterday I was walking down las Ramblas in Barcelona and I stood at a group of young people shouting "save the fur..how many animals are killed for making one coat ? " that really impacted me...the pictures where so cruel.

Nowadays there is a highly delicated contested issue in society that directly affects the world of fashion and the image of great designers : the use of animal fur.

Looking back many centuries, in prehistoric times, humans kill animals to satisfy their basic needs: food and protection from low temperatures.Thousands of years have passed and technologies have moved forwards in all types of aspects..and people mentality has changed.

Years ago
fashion imposed the concept of luxury and elegance with the image of a sophisticated woman wrapped in a sumptuous fur coat...

Lets focus on the problem.

In my point of view, nowadays we can tottaly save to buy real animal fur ...if its fashonable wearing this type of material you can use synthetic fur .
It's so true we do not know what happens..so many times we hear and see in the news how animals
are beaten, electrocuted, hanged and often skinned alive...do we really whant that ? don't think so...
So many designers have stopped using real fur...as Diane Von Furstenberg or Stella McCartney.

Lets mantein this image of them.

Source to vist :

S.O.S !!

Okey so it's thursday afternoon and on saturday you have such an important date or party that you can not miss for anything in the world..what a tragedy !! you haven't got a dress yet...
so "sadly " you need to go shopping... =) !
Today i'm going to talk about woman body types and which clothes hightlight your strengths...so you can be perfect for that date !
Learn to hide the negative and emphasize those positive points of your body !
First of all you need to watch your body and classificate yourself acording to :
1 .Rectangular type your shoulders, bust and hips are about the same size without having defined waist. Objective : we must shape the body ! ( 1.)
What to wear :
Use tops with prints, patterns with horizontal lines and bright colors to give volume to your upper body and dresses that can fit your waist and high waisted skirts
You can also use flights and puckered fabrics...also in dresses and the type v neckline to elongate the neck and skinny jeans.

2.Pear : narrow shoulders , small bust and marked waist and broad hips.
:balance your bottom of your body with your upper body ! ( 2.)

-Use clothes or accessories to attract attention to your upper body: jewelry, scarves.. but d o not use pockets at hip height !
Avoid tight clothing and light colors on the bottom

3.Invertet triangular : broad shoulders,not very pronounced waist, narrow hips and thin legs .Objective : cover the shoulders and keep the top clear ! (3.)

Try to avoid blazers and
straight skirts and straight tight trousers .You might use bell-shaped skirt , the waist is emphasized with wide belts.

4.Hourglass :defined waist and broad hips. Objective :accentuate your curves! (4.)

Draw attention
to your waist area
and abuse of tailored jackets ! And finally do not use straight dresses.

Well I hope you could find your model type !
But the most important thing is the way you feel , if your comfortable with yourself you have it all won !

Source : www.contolstyle.com

When clothing becomes art : the black swan movie

It would be a crime to have a fashion blog and not even name this famous movie is echoing in the deepest of fashion and is serving as an inspiration to many: the black swan.
Natalie Portman (named best actress on the Oscars) was chosen to star in this famous film role as Nina. Besides calling attention to her great performance film also drew attention for its detailed costumes .. lets investigate more about it !

A little bit of gossip ...
Westcott ( belongs to
the Costume Designers Association -CDG- ), received the award for best contemporary clothing for the Black swan but Mulleavy sisters (Rodarte ) have also contributed , they made the desing of seven dresses , but because the Mulleavy sisters were not members of the Costume Designers association they haven't recieved any award.

Lets focus on the clothes ...Swarovski worked with the sisters Mulleavy donating about 250,000 40-kg glass to create the costumes of the white Swan, black Swan and long dress that takes Nina in the party .
Cristals transform light with its movement increasing the elegance of the clothes that appear on the film , cristals make clothes movement more dinamic ...just perfect for a ballet dress.Taking into account the four main dresses (mulleavy) are all delicated and with only two colors and elongated : black and white and short and long dress .
The feathers give an effect of agility as the chiffon added to the short dresses.
My favorite is the white gown ... I would highlight his back whith two crosses and bright sides and the space without fabric highlights femininity.
The hairstyle was also excellent to me , it was simple , giving the whole importance to the dress.

I really enjoyed costumes when I first saw the film , in my opinion I have no complaint of any dress!
I just love them all !

Sources :
Youtube ( i'll upload it these days )