miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011

The use of strong colours in fashion

A part of what we see at first glance and say that bright colors prevail in the current fashion nowadays this fact has a very important background on the psychology of color.
Lets delve a little more on the topic.
We are in an era of non-sttoping...we can not relax ! we are always in constant movment...does this fact influences
on fashion ?

Lets take a look at what colours say :
Warm colors are considered as stimulants, joyful cold and calm, sedative and sometimes depressing.
Yellow : considered the intelectual colour , represents the power
Red:passion , impulsive colour
Blue : the calm..represents the introverts
Green : the balance
White :innocence and peace...

So acording to aur model life ...do we feel stonger , more
sure of ourselves if we wear strong bright colours ?
I personally belive in color psychology ! I sometimes feel better or depending on the mood i am, i choose one colour or another..does it happen to you ?

sources :

2 comentarios:

  1. Interesting topic but a lot of grammatical and spelling mistakes! Did you revise before posting?

  2. Since I was born my grandmother taught me the arts of colours. She was a flower designer and always said me that I had to dress natural and with a strong colour complement. This fact plus the fact that my parents are painters made me like this kind of dressing. I do really believe that every colour say something about you. But what does the orange mean? In my house is very integrated and none knows the answer, but with your post I learned that for sure means a strong personality!
    Let’s dress strong! And look what colures say of the ones that evolve us!
