martes, 29 de marzo de 2011

Lady Gaga: fashionista or drama queen?

When we talk about music and fashion, we can't help but thinking about one woman. Lady Gaga (born Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta), is the perfect example of how nowadays music world is nothing but a show business. Whether she is performing, getting out of a limo or simply walking through the streets, all eyes and cameras are fixed on her.

So, what is the secret of her success? Is it her singing? Her dancing? Her apparent concern about her fans? The answer is simple: her extravagance. Being a fashion icon has always been a matter of attitude and she certainly has it all. Her rebel ways have earnt her millons of fans all over the world, as she is the queen of the rare and grotesque.

But critizing her is too easy. Many sociologists have labelled her as what she really is: a social phenomenon that has 10 million followers on Facebook and six million on Twitter. This leadership extends to all areas, including fashion. With her revolutionary (and weird) way of dressing, she wants to eliminate labels and avoid the possibility that anyone can feel excluded. As she has stated in many interviews, when she was young she was scolded at school for being different, and she doesn't want any of her fans to feel that way. So, behind her esperpentic music videos and shocking outfits, she wants to send a message of integration and tolerance. As admirable and laudable as this intention may appear, studies still have to prove if this it is sincere or it is just another road to fame. In the meantime we can keep amusing ourselves with her extravangances and newest occurrences.


3 comentarios:

  1. Good post Cristina, very well written Just one mistake.

    Her rebelLIOUS ways

  2. Does she really want to send a message of understanding different people, to the whole world? That is so difficult to believe. Come on! She wants to bang gossip magazines everyday! How can she explain the horns that just putted in her face? That is comprehension for “horney” people? I would like to think this way, but this singer have so many followers cause she is different. She does good music, but not that much. She has created a new way in fashion called super geocentricism, but sorry, eccentric people were on our world since Romans. She have to respect more everyone and let down her “fashionable style” What do you say about “born this way”?
    I wish that with all her influence she could do good for this crazy world of us; where a steak in my shoulder can make me poplar. Please Gaga try to distinct yourself in another way!

  3. Excuse me girls !! Gaga is not my favourite musician at all, you might like it or not her music but i think she is an ARTIST ! Okey , nowadays media and fame involve us but in Roman times too , in roman times existed popularity and artist also wanted to earn money, come on !
    It is our own "fault" if we followed her, i mean she is famous because of us, because we gaved her this popularity ! she can do whatever she wants to ... she has what she wanted : be an artist and define herself with this peculiar style , attract fans and more fans and give a message :she wants to eliminate labels and avoid the possibility that anyone can feel excluded ...she is not that bad !
