martes, 29 de marzo de 2011


Yesterday I was walking down the road with my five year old little sister when suddenly she shouted: -“Ho! Look at that skirt! Is so fashionable!” I got terrified… My little sister was telling me that a pink skirt was fashionable? She is so small and the skirt was so ugly

(but whatever, little kids use to have this taste)

I started thinking of what was fashion and I realised that fashion had existed since human was in this world! When Adam and Eva came here, leaves where fashion. Probably because they where the first thing they found.

But fashion is not only cloth, not dots or spots… Is more than that.

In middle ages, for example, fat ladies where in fashion; now we only accept skeletons. Even the way of thinking is also fashionable.

(By the way, I found this perfect definition:;)

But fashion also changes the ways of thinking. for example, what to consider a family has also changed from decade to decade. Can we accept all this changes? I don’t mean, dress like the Romans did, but… Please! Maintain some values that fashion and cosmism is taking! Please, don’t be one more of the whole…

Make your fashion with good head, and don’t let others influence you. Not even a pink skirt!

2 comentarios:

  1. Funny post, interesting thoughts. Watch:

    little kids use to have this taste --> usually have this taste

    Adam and Eva --> Adam and Eve

    Is more than that --> IT is more than that

    all this changes --> these changes

  2. Hi cris !
    Your post made me laugh when you talk about adam and eve and their leaves (i agree that this was their fashion ) but also reflect .
    You say interesting things like "what to consider a family has also changed from decade to decade ".
    In my point of view society is evolving like elephant steps and many things escape from our control.
    So we have to accept or respect this new way of life even if we don't agree .
    It is an interesting fact when you say fat woman were in fashion and now "skeletons " are fashion ... i would like to say that both ways are not healthy at all because beeing fat is not good for your heart just like being very thin, so ways of life between years ago were not that diferent as now a day life , i mean surely a woman of middle age would not understand why a woman is pretty beeing thin nowadays society does not accept beauty coming from a fat woman .

    Is one more way to move towards a future our everyday life.
