miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011

When clothing becomes art : the black swan movie

It would be a crime to have a fashion blog and not even name this famous movie is echoing in the deepest of fashion and is serving as an inspiration to many: the black swan.
Natalie Portman (named best actress on the Oscars) was chosen to star in this famous film role as Nina. Besides calling attention to her great performance film also drew attention for its detailed costumes .. lets investigate more about it !

A little bit of gossip ...
Westcott ( belongs to
the Costume Designers Association -CDG- ), received the award for best contemporary clothing for the Black swan but Mulleavy sisters (Rodarte ) have also contributed , they made the desing of seven dresses , but because the Mulleavy sisters were not members of the Costume Designers association they haven't recieved any award.

Lets focus on the clothes ...Swarovski worked with the sisters Mulleavy donating about 250,000 40-kg glass to create the costumes of the white Swan, black Swan and long dress that takes Nina in the party .
Cristals transform light with its movement increasing the elegance of the clothes that appear on the film , cristals make clothes movement more dinamic ...just perfect for a ballet dress.Taking into account the four main dresses (mulleavy) are all delicated and with only two colors and elongated : black and white and short and long dress .
The feathers give an effect of agility as the chiffon added to the short dresses.
My favorite is the white gown ... I would highlight his back whith two crosses and bright sides and the space without fabric highlights femininity.
The hairstyle was also excellent to me , it was simple , giving the whole importance to the dress.

I really enjoyed costumes when I first saw the film , in my opinion I have no complaint of any dress!
I just love them all !

Sources :
Youtube ( i'll upload it these days )

2 comentarios:

  1. I haven't seen the movie, but when I do, I'll look out for the costumes.

    desing --> design

    long dress that takes Nina --> that Nina wears

    CrYstals transform light with THEIR movement

    delicated --> delicate

    I would highlight ITS back

    The hairstyle was also excellent to me --> In my opinion, the hairstyle was also excellent.

  2. I liked very much this post, I haven't seen the movie but I have read about its fashion department and the work they did seems pretty brilliant!

    This is the perfect example of how clothes can become and important part of a movie, they reflect the character's personality, virtues or insecurities. Black is associated with wickedness and free-spirit, and dressing in white means being pure and innocent, I think that this is what makes the dresses so important in this movie: they mirror Nina's evolution, how her personality is changing and becoming more passionate, less sensible. The lines of this dresses are also a clear indicator: simple, straight lines for white dresses, and curvy, edgy lines for the black ones. I also love the ballerina bun, it's super cute!
