miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011

Real fur clothing ?

Yesterday I was walking down las Ramblas in Barcelona and I stood at a group of young people shouting "save the fur..how many animals are killed for making one coat ? " that really impacted me...the pictures where so cruel.

Nowadays there is a highly delicated contested issue in society that directly affects the world of fashion and the image of great designers : the use of animal fur.

Looking back many centuries, in prehistoric times, humans kill animals to satisfy their basic needs: food and protection from low temperatures.Thousands of years have passed and technologies have moved forwards in all types of aspects..and people mentality has changed.

Years ago
fashion imposed the concept of luxury and elegance with the image of a sophisticated woman wrapped in a sumptuous fur coat...

Lets focus on the problem.

In my point of view, nowadays we can tottaly save to buy real animal fur ...if its fashonable wearing this type of material you can use synthetic fur .
It's so true we do not know what happens..so many times we hear and see in the news how animals
are beaten, electrocuted, hanged and often skinned alive...do we really whant that ? don't think so...
So many designers have stopped using real fur...as Diane Von Furstenberg or Stella McCartney.

Lets mantein this image of them.

Source to vist :

2 comentarios:

  1. I have to admit I have a fur hood on a jacket I bought several years ago... I feel guilty every time I wear it and think someone will throw paint at me!

    highly delicated --> delicate

    humans killED animals

    people'S mentality


    we can totalLy AVOID buyING real animal fur


    whant -->want

    So many designers have stopped using real fur...SUCH as Diane Von Furstenberg or Stella McCartney.

  2. I don’t agree with all you said. I think that animals are part of our world. We have to respect them and life in harmony with the hole nature in general. But as I said I think that they are made to help human living. When prehistoric people started living in this world they used animal fur, because it is a natural thing. Of course we should be careful with the quantity of fur we dress up with, but at the same time, we can use it, the same way we eat animals.
    Just respect, what had been created for us, but use it with head.
