miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011

recycling our wardrobe ...

I remember few years ago how I cleaned and recycled my wardrobe !
The room transformed into somthing disastrous..and i gave so many clothes because they were small to me . So what we have to do if we recicle our wardrobe ?? Is so easy =)

You just have to have clothes with neural colours , a pair of jeans , a little black dress and a balzer !
An you can transform scarves into funny acessories while your having a grat time with your friends !

source :

The use of strong colours in fashion

A part of what we see at first glance and say that bright colors prevail in the current fashion nowadays this fact has a very important background on the psychology of color.
Lets delve a little more on the topic.
We are in an era of non-sttoping...we can not relax ! we are always in constant movment...does this fact influences
on fashion ?

Lets take a look at what colours say :
Warm colors are considered as stimulants, joyful cold and calm, sedative and sometimes depressing.
Yellow : considered the intelectual colour , represents the power
Red:passion , impulsive colour
Blue : the calm..represents the introverts
Green : the balance
White :innocence and peace...

So acording to aur model life ...do we feel stonger , more
sure of ourselves if we wear strong bright colours ?
I personally belive in color psychology ! I sometimes feel better or depending on the mood i am, i choose one colour or another..does it happen to you ?

sources :

Real fur clothing ?

Yesterday I was walking down las Ramblas in Barcelona and I stood at a group of young people shouting "save the fur..how many animals are killed for making one coat ? " that really impacted me...the pictures where so cruel.

Nowadays there is a highly delicated contested issue in society that directly affects the world of fashion and the image of great designers : the use of animal fur.

Looking back many centuries, in prehistoric times, humans kill animals to satisfy their basic needs: food and protection from low temperatures.Thousands of years have passed and technologies have moved forwards in all types of aspects..and people mentality has changed.

Years ago
fashion imposed the concept of luxury and elegance with the image of a sophisticated woman wrapped in a sumptuous fur coat...

Lets focus on the problem.

In my point of view, nowadays we can tottaly save to buy real animal fur ...if its fashonable wearing this type of material you can use synthetic fur .
It's so true we do not know what happens..so many times we hear and see in the news how animals
are beaten, electrocuted, hanged and often skinned alive...do we really whant that ? don't think so...
So many designers have stopped using real fur...as Diane Von Furstenberg or Stella McCartney.

Lets mantein this image of them.

Source to vist :

S.O.S !!

Okey so it's thursday afternoon and on saturday you have such an important date or party that you can not miss for anything in the world..what a tragedy !! you haven't got a dress yet...
so "sadly " you need to go shopping... =) !
Today i'm going to talk about woman body types and which clothes hightlight your strengths...so you can be perfect for that date !
Learn to hide the negative and emphasize those positive points of your body !
First of all you need to watch your body and classificate yourself acording to :
1 .Rectangular type your shoulders, bust and hips are about the same size without having defined waist. Objective : we must shape the body ! ( 1.)
What to wear :
Use tops with prints, patterns with horizontal lines and bright colors to give volume to your upper body and dresses that can fit your waist and high waisted skirts
You can also use flights and puckered fabrics...also in dresses and the type v neckline to elongate the neck and skinny jeans.

2.Pear : narrow shoulders , small bust and marked waist and broad hips.
:balance your bottom of your body with your upper body ! ( 2.)

-Use clothes or accessories to attract attention to your upper body: jewelry, scarves.. but d o not use pockets at hip height !
Avoid tight clothing and light colors on the bottom

3.Invertet triangular : broad shoulders,not very pronounced waist, narrow hips and thin legs .Objective : cover the shoulders and keep the top clear ! (3.)

Try to avoid blazers and
straight skirts and straight tight trousers .You might use bell-shaped skirt , the waist is emphasized with wide belts.

4.Hourglass :defined waist and broad hips. Objective :accentuate your curves! (4.)

Draw attention
to your waist area
and abuse of tailored jackets ! And finally do not use straight dresses.

Well I hope you could find your model type !
But the most important thing is the way you feel , if your comfortable with yourself you have it all won !

Source : www.contolstyle.com

When clothing becomes art : the black swan movie

It would be a crime to have a fashion blog and not even name this famous movie is echoing in the deepest of fashion and is serving as an inspiration to many: the black swan.
Natalie Portman (named best actress on the Oscars) was chosen to star in this famous film role as Nina. Besides calling attention to her great performance film also drew attention for its detailed costumes .. lets investigate more about it !

A little bit of gossip ...
Westcott ( belongs to
the Costume Designers Association -CDG- ), received the award for best contemporary clothing for the Black swan but Mulleavy sisters (Rodarte ) have also contributed , they made the desing of seven dresses , but because the Mulleavy sisters were not members of the Costume Designers association they haven't recieved any award.

Lets focus on the clothes ...Swarovski worked with the sisters Mulleavy donating about 250,000 40-kg glass to create the costumes of the white Swan, black Swan and long dress that takes Nina in the party .
Cristals transform light with its movement increasing the elegance of the clothes that appear on the film , cristals make clothes movement more dinamic ...just perfect for a ballet dress.Taking into account the four main dresses (mulleavy) are all delicated and with only two colors and elongated : black and white and short and long dress .
The feathers give an effect of agility as the chiffon added to the short dresses.
My favorite is the white gown ... I would highlight his back whith two crosses and bright sides and the space without fabric highlights femininity.
The hairstyle was also excellent to me , it was simple , giving the whole importance to the dress.

I really enjoyed costumes when I first saw the film , in my opinion I have no complaint of any dress!
I just love them all !

Sources :
Youtube ( i'll upload it these days )

martes, 29 de marzo de 2011


Use this three steps and you will bust anyone!

1-Dress not only as you like but also as they would like to see you. Make life more comfortable to others is not a bad way of looking fashion.

2-You have to dress as you are, not only as you would like to be. If not, you are giving the wrong information to others, and confusions can make you get crazy

3-And dress with dignity, don’t make your own sex get ashamed for your fault. The words modesty and elegance are familiar with you?

If you want to dress and be good at it, don’t follow the easy road; put the plus of human value. The most important value related to fashion is the dificultest one… Don’t judge, not only because they will probably make the same with you, but also because that will give you the difference ;) If you follow my rules… people will like you from your outfit and your “infit”


P.D=By the way... take a look at this video I just found, and learn how to have confidance like famouse... that would also help ;)

Another teenage girl that knows how to read fashion is Alejandra Catalan, the creator of http://www.catssac.com/.

It is a fashion blog where you can find all the new trends. Alejandra Catalan the blogger of Catssac has started in 2011. She studies fashion design, and fashion in her life. Alejandra dresses many top models with her own style and she pictures them. She also puts awesome pictures of new trends and she comments on them in the smartest way ever: creating events. Now she is starting to put the “making off” of the sessions she does like one per week.

As we said in older posts… the important of English and languages… She studied fashion design in London. And her international relations are getting uncounted She had the idea of making her portfolio her blog, because in there you can see that Alejandra is not only good with fashion, but she knows how to communicate it in different ways and styles. Another of her ideas is make markets with many clothes she bought all around the world. Very fashionable all of them. You could find from vintage outfits to neopunk clothes and military.

This is a clear example, of how fashion is arriving to owr doors without having to go to New York! Lets work this out!

To analize fashion we need to understand what teenagers think, they are the one who will continue with new trends. So lets get in fashion with our next two posts...

They are many teens around the world creating new stiles and being the rock on which fashion stands.

One of this idols is the 19 year old Jesse Jo Stark, in the typical girl who you were so jealous of at school. She’s a total sweet heart and a current muse of Mark “The Cobra Snake” Hunter. She is popping up in almost every single blog of fashion, so we couldn’t let her go. Her daring style is inspirational to thousands of girls. Her colourful accessories, and punk attitude will make her become a creative mind in the fashion industry. http://www.jessejostark.com/

But in fashion not only the talent counts. Is more than that, life is about contacts, imagination and non-stop pressure. If we go back many, many years ago.. we will find out Coco Chanel, a young lady with a difficult back ground, that with her marriages and non-stop hard work arrived to where she is now… Just mention Chanel, wherever you are and people will associated to the biggest glamour industry, that had stayed since ever. To ways of look, fashion, posh, punk, emos… whatever is correct when someone puts it’s young heart on it!

Tennis clothes: when sport meets style

Tennis clothes nowadays are not the same that a century ago, that's a fact. But, in which way has this kind of clothing imitated the upcoming trends and vibes in everyday fashion? Clothes in sport are a simple matter of narcicisim or a powerful aerodynamic tool? Let's find out.

One hundred years ago tennis was just becoming an sport. The first tennis players, who played in lawn courts in England, were submitted to a more formal style, in which decorum was the first rule. Long sleeve shirts and trousers were a must for men, and so happened with long dresses for women. They both dressed completely in white, as it was considered (and still is) the colour of elegance, politeness and virtue.
The evolution of tennis clothes has gone hand-to-hand with the changes in everyday trends and clothing. The prove is that male tennis players in the seventies and eighties wore tight-fitting shorts and traditional formal polo shirts, while in the nineties and in the new millenium larger, looser and more casual clothes began to gain popularity. A similar phenomenon happened with female tennis players: while in the seventies and eighties skirts were shortened and a certain air of renovation began, the ninties and the 2000's were the final touch, were they started to wear whatever they wanted, from shorts and simple t-shirts to short dresses.

The changes in the dynamics of the game have also influenced in the way in which its players dress. As tennis has become more technical and physically-demanding, clothing brands have been forced to addapt to the new necessities of its costumers. This is why new clothes have become more versatile, allowing a greater liberty of movement.

Comfort has also become essencial, and sport brands nowadays have specialists working night and day to find special fabrics that help to solve some problems like moisture or excessive heat. In this direction, Nike has created Dri-FIT and Adidas has developed ClimaCool. They are clothing lines made of special synthetic fibers that help remove sweat from the skin, and keep it cool and dry.

As a conclusion, we can say that tennis clothing is nowadays both a matter of expressing personality and a aerodynamic tool. Bright colours have conquered the courts (except for tennis cathedrals like Wimbledon where white is still the main colour), and new syntentic fibers have taken the lead.

Only time can tell which will be the next step in a sport that is so faithful to its basics and so constantly renovating at the same time.

Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?Tennis-Clothes---A-Revolution-In-Style&id=456344

Eco-friendly clothing or "green" fashion

First of all, we would have to make clear which factors make a material environmentally-friendly.

There are three factors to take into consideration:

1) Renewability: if it can be replenished in a relatively short amount of time

2) Ecological footprint: how much land it takes to bring it to full growth and support it.

3) How many chemicals requires to be ready for market. According to those considerations, our current ranking of eco-friendly fabrics is:

1) HEMP: it is the strongest crop ever. It resists pests and weeds, and feeds up with rain, so no irrigation is needed. Besides, it comes in a great variety of textures and weights, so you can find the one that suits you best.

2) WOOL: this is an extremely environmental-respectful material, as it is produced in a natural way and without harming any animals. However, there are certain risks involving chemicals, as sheep can be fed with chemichals in order to increase their productivity.

3) ORGANIC COTTON: it uses no insecticides, pesticides or herbicides during its growing cycle. It is commonly dyed with natural tints, so the environmental impact is minimum or non-existent.

4) SOY SILK: it is made from the by-products of the tofu-making process. The liquefied proteins are introduced into fibres, which are then spun and used in the common way (knitted...).

5) INGEO CORN FIBER: This new material (still being tested), is made by extracting the starch and then sugars from corn, and processing them to make a fibre, which can be spun into a yarn or woven into fabric.

6) BAMBOO: It is biodegradable, renewable, and it has antibacterial properties. It is breathable, as air can pass through it, it lets your skin "breath"

7) FORTREL ECO SPUN: it is a fibre made out of polyester. But this polyester is really special: it is created from plastic bottles, which can be made into fleece. As plastic is a non-renewable material, this is a great use for it.

All these materials have no impact or a minimal impact in our planet, and assure a future in the fashion world even if we run out of petroleum, which isn't likely to happen soon. So, you see, fashion isn't opposite to ecology: you can be both a greenpeace active member and a devoted trend follower!


Lady Gaga: fashionista or drama queen?

When we talk about music and fashion, we can't help but thinking about one woman. Lady Gaga (born Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta), is the perfect example of how nowadays music world is nothing but a show business. Whether she is performing, getting out of a limo or simply walking through the streets, all eyes and cameras are fixed on her.

So, what is the secret of her success? Is it her singing? Her dancing? Her apparent concern about her fans? The answer is simple: her extravagance. Being a fashion icon has always been a matter of attitude and she certainly has it all. Her rebel ways have earnt her millons of fans all over the world, as she is the queen of the rare and grotesque.

But critizing her is too easy. Many sociologists have labelled her as what she really is: a social phenomenon that has 10 million followers on Facebook and six million on Twitter. This leadership extends to all areas, including fashion. With her revolutionary (and weird) way of dressing, she wants to eliminate labels and avoid the possibility that anyone can feel excluded. As she has stated in many interviews, when she was young she was scolded at school for being different, and she doesn't want any of her fans to feel that way. So, behind her esperpentic music videos and shocking outfits, she wants to send a message of integration and tolerance. As admirable and laudable as this intention may appear, studies still have to prove if this it is sincere or it is just another road to fame. In the meantime we can keep amusing ourselves with her extravangances and newest occurrences.



Yesterday I was walking down the road with my five year old little sister when suddenly she shouted: -“Ho! Look at that skirt! Is so fashionable!” I got terrified… My little sister was telling me that a pink skirt was fashionable? She is so small and the skirt was so ugly

(but whatever, little kids use to have this taste)

I started thinking of what was fashion and I realised that fashion had existed since human was in this world! When Adam and Eva came here, leaves where fashion. Probably because they where the first thing they found.

But fashion is not only cloth, not dots or spots… Is more than that.

In middle ages, for example, fat ladies where in fashion; now we only accept skeletons. Even the way of thinking is also fashionable.

(By the way, I found this perfect definition: http://whatmakesfashion.com/;)

But fashion also changes the ways of thinking. for example, what to consider a family has also changed from decade to decade. Can we accept all this changes? I don’t mean, dress like the Romans did, but… Please! Maintain some values that fashion and cosmism is taking! Please, don’t be one more of the whole…

Make your fashion with good head, and don’t let others influence you. Not even a pink skirt!

Sneakers, an addiction

This post is based on an article in the New York Time's website, that talks about Marcus Samuelsson. Marcus Samuelsson is an award-winning Swedish chef that has (along with other chefs) founded the website http://www.foodrepublic.com/ and owns an exclusive restaurant in Harlem called Red Rooster Harlem.

Sneakers are his particular guilty pleasure: he has them in all colours, patterns and brands. They can project multiple personalities: smart, elegant, discrete, confident... During his childwood in Sweden, they were the only thing that her mother and gradmother couldn't make, so they became his weakness.
In this kind of "digital journal", Samuelsson explains whick look has he worn every day, describing his jacket, trousers, belts... and of course, his sneakers! This shows us how an specific accessory can become so important a part of our lives, that we can't live without it, because it reflects who we are, our high and weak points, and it is a way of communicating with other people and showing them our mood.
Colours and materials also depend on the weather and season: yellow plastic for sunny, summer days, grey fur for cold and snowy weather... So this is when fashion becomes practical: it is not only a way of expressing who you are, but to adapting yourself to external climatical or environmental conditions.

Samuelsson is the perfect example of how a proficient in some area, can have an obession or strong interest for another subject that has no relation with the matter, but, instead of fancy cars, he has chosen footwear. His story is funny and curious, and I think it is worth being read.




Think about it

Maybe because today have been a tough day... Maybe because I'm frustrated with a boy, but... Why does fashion have to be in middle of my life? Why does it have to make decide other people if they like or don't like me?

Actually I'm furious with fashion right now. People give a bad importance to fashion. I agree that is the face of your body. That fashion and esthetic is the first thing that you see when you look somebody. But... Does it have to be like that?

I think that you have to go furthermore and don't judge people for what they wear ore don't. Try to look inside of its heart, behind the cloth your wear. Since fashion was fashion human had use it to distinguish themselves, the economic class, the way of thinking... and consequently since ever human has been tide to stereotypes. Is that correct? We have to dress as they like or as we want? Because depending of it we would have a different impression from others.
This is THE question, and you will find the answer in my next post.

lunes, 28 de marzo de 2011

Spring fashion: the shinier, the better

Winter days are over. Spring has come and so have loose clothes, sunglasses, and floral patterns. And, as it is about cheerfulness and joy, bright colours are a must. Turquoise, taxi cab yellow, emerald green, deep purple... Or even pastels for the most girly. All of them will cheer up your wardrobe and remind you of the approach of summer season. But, with the increasing temperatures, those heavy winter fabrics become useless. It's time to show some skin: short sleeves, blouses, V necks, minidresses.... or a vaporous and cute floral skirt to be the fairiest of them all! Because spring also means flower power: no matter if you're glamourous or easy-going, elegant or simple, edgy or shy...There is a floral print for every personality!

Night clothing also becomes lighter, with delicate, colorful fabrics, and romantic touches like floral hairbands, all combined with pastel accessories that don't rest importance to the total look, and enhance it.

Tulle, velvet, satines... Don't be afraid to experiment with them, they will definitely make an impression.

It is also time to wake up the summer footwear from its long slumber. Sandals, peep-toes, ballerinas.... Fresh and light shoes that will allow you to run faster and (why not?) show off your feet. So make sure to get a good pedicure first and you will conquer the streets step to step!

Accessories haven't lost its importance. A little pink tote can totally lighten up a serious look and make it more youthful. You can combine your dresses with tight belts, blouses with long collars, tops with foulards and wooden bracelets... It all depends on your imagination!

So, these are all the tips and skills that you are going to need to survive this season, bon voyage!
